Division Policy 2.30


Review of inactive cases


February 25, 2011


January 18, 2013


This policy will be reviewed and updated as needed.


Provide a procedure for districts on how to respond to inactive cases in a consistent and deliberate manner.


FS 413


District Administrators and/or the Rehabilitation Supervisor will review cases loads quarterly using the state Fiscal Year timeline (reviews will take place in October, January, April and July) to ensure all cases have had a quarterly update placed in their AWARE file as per the documentation guidelines. (College cases will be reviewed each semester as per the Guidelines for Documentation). The documentation should reflect progress towards goal.  Any case that has not had any activity toward the vocational goal during the quarter will be staffed with the counselor and documentation regarding the inactivity and the course of action will be placed in the client’s AWARE file.

 Original signed by Joyce Hildreth, Director, on February 25, 2011.

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