Public Forum (Thursday, April 18, 2013)

Embassy Suites
1100 SE 17th Street
Ft. Lauderdale

Bruce Miles, Chair called the meeting to order at 4:05 PM.

Council Members Present:  Bruce Miles, Paul Edwards, Andrew Raines, Vicky Magliocchino, Christopher White,  Joe Minichiello, Donté Mickens, Sheryl Brown,  Sandra Martin, Lenora Marten, Leanne Grillot, Gloria Mills, Ted Hull, Patricia Liposky  and  Aleisa McKinlay, Interim Director. 

Council Staff: Phyllis Dill

DBS Staff:  Antionette Williams, Patrick Regalado

Interpreters:  Christie Cohn and Jodi Raffoul

Eighteen consumers were in attendance.

First consumer Comments:


Ms. Williams asked him to give her his contact info and she would speak with him in more detail later.

Second Consumer Comments:


Ms. Magliocchino stated that there was a Florida Deaf-Blind Association met last week stressing the importance of having better services for deaf-blind.

Third Consumer Comments:

The consumer was very emotional and wasn’t able to speak.

Fourth Consumer Comments:


Ms. Williams will have the Daytona Beach DA get in touch with her.  She stated that DBS and DVR should, and would, work on better ways to assist her. 

Fifth Consumer Comments:


Ms. Williams stated she would ask Mr. Regalado to make sure notification has been sent out to appropriate individuals.

Ms. Brown stated that she would get with the Lighthouse’s Executive Director concerning referrals.  She will also bring it up at the next FAASB meeting.

Sixth Consumer Comments:


Ms. William asked Mr. Regalado to work with him and his daughter to get what is necessary for her to be successful.  She informed him the Rehab Center could assist with training for independent living skills, mobility instructions, etc.  She stated that the Conklin Center could also provide training.  She suggested he should contact DVR to find out why her case was closed.

Seventh Consumer Comments:

He’s from Boynton Beach.
He has a Bachelor Degree in social work.
He has been trying for 5 years sending out resumes.
He’s been doing a lot of volunteer work.
He has a job coach at Goodwill he’s pleased with.
He wants to know how he would go about starting his own business.


Ms. Williams suggested he get with his Counselor to help with the process to complete a business plan; and if it is a viable business then DBS would assist him.

Eighth Consumer Comments:

Ninth Consumer Comments:

He’s a client of DBS and DVR.
He wants to get a job and be self-sufficient.
He has a Special Diploma and wants to get a GED and go on to College.
He’s been bounced between DVR and DBS for the past year and half.
He wants to go to Helen Keller.


Ms. Williams asked Mr. Regalado to set up a call with the client, DBS, DVR and the Conklin center to see how they can work together jointly to see if going to Helen Keller is a viable option.  She stated that he needed to be very clear if employment is what he wanted versus going to school. 

Mr. McKinlay stated that the place to start with getting a Deaf-Blind Commission is a matter that should be taken up with the local elected officials because they are the ones with the power to do something, not DVR or DBS.  She stated that she will make an effort to work with DBS and working with the deaf-blind.

Tenth Consumer Comments:

Eleventh Consumer Comments:

Public Forum adjourned at 5:45 PM

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